Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

The Sad Story - Part 5

                 One day .. Lux wanted to take a book from the library. When it wants to reach the shelf where the book he wanted to read. He felt dizzy, and he wiped his nose. When he wiped his nose, there was blood. "What I'm bleeding?" Lux said he saw blood on his hands. Lux ran into the school bathroom. He cleanses the blood in his nose. "Why do I get a nosebleed?" Lux Asked, confused. Jam Home School .. He immediately came home. Arriving home, he went straight to his room.
             Lux was trying to go to the doctor, her family subscriptions. At that time, the doctor said. If Lux just exhaustion only. Lux went home, when that uncle tom was not yet home from work. At that time, Tom's uncle contacted Lux. Uncle Tom said that Lux had to take his clothes, clothes Lottie and Uncle Tom's clothes. Lux was asked. "Indeed, we are going where uncle?" asked Lux. "We're going to go out of the country" Said uncle Tom. Lux was immediately dropped the phone and sat up slowly. "Why does this always happen to me? Yesterday I just broke up with Josh .. And now I must leave this house" Said Lux.
           The next day .. Lux, Lottie, and Uncle Tom had left home. They do not move, it's just Uncle Tom existing business. Their house is not empty, there is Aunt Ruth. Arriving at their new home .. "Huh .. Finally we arrived. At home it's pretty great huh?" Said Uncle Tom. "Yes .. I love this house uncle." Lux said. "But .. I'll be the school where?" asked Lux. "Your school is not far from here. Very close anyway" Said Uncle Tom. Lux was cleared of items such as clothes and dress Lottie. "Lottie would you be happy if your birthday is celebrated here?" asked Lux. "No!" Lottie said. "Why? Here good" Said Lux. "No, nobody here I know" Said Lottie.

To Be Continued..
This story is only fiction alone..
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