Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Cemburu & Sakit Hati

                  Terkadang aku memang cuek, egois, sombong, dan lain-lainnya. Tapi, kenapa harus aku terus yang salah? Terkadang kata-kata "f**k" itu gampang sekali keluar dari mulutmu. Apakah kamu tidak pernah berfikir? Kata-kata itu membuat aku sakit hati. Tapi aku hanya bisa terdiam, karna, aku tidak ingin mem-perpanjang masalah. Aku capek, kalau harus kaya gini terus.
                  Dan sekarang. Kamu malah sibuk sendiri sama urusan kamu. Dan kamu sering bilang, kalau aku ini cuek atau tidak peduli sama kamu. Tapi sebenarnya aku sangat peduli sama kamu. Asalkan kamu tahu, aku disini nunggu kamu. Sampai-sampai aku capek buat nunggu kamu. Sampai aku berfikir, kalau aku ini memang tidak penting di dalam hidup kamu. Aku tuh kaya cuman jadi masalah kamu doang. Dan sepertinya semua itu percuma! Sia-sia semuanya! Aku tuh pertahanin kamu gara-gara aku sayang sama kamu. Kalau aku ga sayang sama kamu, udah aku putusin kamu dari dulu!
                  Tapi, teman-temanku selalu bilang, "Putusin aja!". Mereka gampang buat ngomong begitu. Karna mereka ga ngerasain jadi aku! Aku ga bisa putusin dia, karna aku sayang sama dia. Sayang banget.
Dan kamu juga pernah janji buat ga bikin aku cemburu atau sakit hati. Tapi apa? Kamu ulangin semua itu! Kamu buat aku cemburu dan sakit hati. Selamat ya! Kamu berhasil udah buat aku cemburu sama sakit hati.
                  Aku lebih suka kamu yang dulu, nyebelin, nyolot, dan lain-lain. Yang penting aku bisa dengerin ocehan kamu. Tapi sekarang? Kamu sibuk! Kamu lebih milih barang-barang kamu itu! Aku capek kamu marahin terus! Kamu kira aku pembantu kamu marah-marahin? Enak banget kamu marah-marahin aku kaya gitu! Aku ga suka diginiin! Mungkin kita udah ga cocok lagi yaa? Mungkin sampai sini aja ya? Mungkin ini waktu nya buat move on, melupakan kamu, dan coba untuk hidup tanpa kamu.

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Maafkanlah Aku

                  Setiap orang pasti pernah membuat kesalahan. Begitu pun juga saya. Saya sering membuat kesalahan. Dan sering kali kalian memaafkan saya. Saya mempunyai seorang sahabat yang tidak saya sebutkan namanya. Dia menyukai seorang lelaki di sekolah saya. Dan pria itu juga tidak bisa saya sebutkan namanya. Saya tidak begitu jelas atau mengerti tentang cerita mereka.
                 Setahu saya mereka tidak memiliki suatu hubungan yang special, mereka hanya sekedar sahabat. Tapi, saya bingung dengan sahabat saya ini. Dia sangat sedih cuman gara gara pria itu. Pada hari itu, sekolah kami mengadakan acara doa bersama. Dan di sana kami saling maaf memaafkan satu sama lain. Sabahat saya yang satu ini pun ingin meminta maaf kepada pria yang di sukai. Tapi ternyata pria itu tidak mau menanggapi sahabat saya ini.
                  Sampai keesokkan harinya. Sahabat saya ini terus menangis hanya karna tidak dimaafkan oleh pria yang dia sukai. Sampai beberapa hari kemudian. Mungkin, karena dia kasihan melihat sahabat saya ini. Dia pun memaafkan sahabat saya ini. Dan sahabat saya pun senang kembali. Wajahnya selalu tersenyum. Melihat sahabat saya ini, membuat saya bahagia juga. Sahabat selalu ada buat kalian. Disaat kalian sedih mau pun kalian senang. Dan itu adalah sahabat yang benar-benar sahabat yang baik.

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

National Exam

                            Had its day again .. I will fight to the national exam. I will determine pass or not. Hopefully I pass, but do not pass the course. Graduated with the best or highest value. Hopefully I can answer it all. Sasha spirit! You can certainly do the questions it all. You have to be sure! And I'm sorry if I got it wrong with you, Or here I like one word. Forgive it all yaa .. Because humans make mistakes. Wish me luck!

Minggu, 21 April 2013

I Could Also Feel The Pain

                       I was a woman. I also could be strong or to be weak. Although you always see me strong or you never see me cry. Yet behind you .. I always cry. I just do not want you to know my feelings. Not that I do not want to tell you guys. But I'm just going to make you bother it. And I do not mean to be a private person. But I only just shy story to you all. And you always see me laughing or smiling. Though it myself being sad .. And when I cry, I lied to you guys why. You ask me "What's the matter?" I replied "I'm not anything. Seems like I'm sleepy". And when looking at all the .. It seemed at that moment I wanted to cry. But when I looked away. Because I do not want to see any of it. At that time I believed you. But you deprive thee my faith. And often times I forgive you. And you think I do not really love you. In fact I've really loved you. Sorry if I'm always lying to you and my friends. And I'm just a jealous if they see you with someone else.

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Come Wake Me Up Lyrics - Rascal Flatts

I could usually drink you right off of my mind, but I miss you tonightI can normally push you right out of my heart, but I'm too tired to fightyeah, the whole thing begins and I let you sink into my veins and I feel the pain like it's neweverything that we were everything that you said everything that I didand I couldn't do plays throughtonighttonight your memory burns like a firewith every one it grows higher and higherI can't get over it I just can't put out this loveI just sit in these flamespray that you come back, close my eyes tightlyhold on and hope that I'm dreamingcome wake me upturn the TV up loud just to drown out your voice, but I can't forgetnow I'm all out of ideas and baby I'm down to my last cigaretteyeah you're probably asleep deep inside of your dreams while I'm sitting here crying and trying to seeyeah where ever you are baby now I am sure you moved onand aren't thinking twice about me and youtonighttonight your memory burns like a firewith every one it grows higher and higherI can't get over it I just can't put out this loveI just sit in these flamespray that you come back, close my eyes tightlyhold on and hope that I'm dreamingI know that your moving onI know that I should give you upbut I keep hoping that you'll trip and fall back in lovetimes not healing anythingbaby this pain is worse than it ever wasI know that you can't hear me but babyI need you to save metonighttonight your memory burns like a firewith every one it grows higher and higherI can't get over it I just can't put out this loveI just sit in these flamespray that you come back, close my eyes tightlyhold on and hope that I'm dreamingcome wake me upI'm dreamingcome wake me upIm dreaming

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

One Way or Another Lyrics - One Direction

Harry:One way or another I’m gonna find yaI’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getchaOne way or another I’m gonna win yaI’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getchaZayn:One way or another I’m gonna see yaI’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetchaOne day, maybe next weekI’m gonna meetcha, I’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetchaNiall:I will drive past your houseAnd if the lights are all outI’ll see who’s around
Liam:One way or another I’m gonna find yaI’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getchaOne way or another I’m gonna win yaI’ll getcha, I’ll getchaLouis:One way or another I’m gonna see yaI’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetchaOne day, maybe next weekI’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetcha
Zayn:And if the lights are all outI’ll follow your bus downtownSee who’s hanging out
Louis:One, two, three, four
All:Na Na Na Na Na Na NaNa Na Na Na Na Na Na
Louis: I wanna hold youWanna hold you tight,I wanna hold you,wanna hold you tight.I wanna hold you,wanna hold you tightYeah teenage kicks rightthrough the night.
Harry:I wanna hold youWanna hold you tight,I wanna hold you,wanna hold you tight.I wanna hold you,wanna hold you tightYeah teenage kicks rightthrough the night.
Zayn:One way or another I’m gonna see yaI’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetchaHarry:One way or another I’m gonna win yaI`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getchaLiam:One way or another I’m gonna see yaI’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetchaLouis:One way or another I’m gonna win yaI`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getchaHarry:One way or another I’m gonna see yaI’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetchaOne day or another I’m gonna win yaI`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

The Sad Story - Part 6

                   The next day .. Lux and Lottie went to their new school. They introduced themselves in their respective classes. Hours after school .. Lux and Lottie was returning home, when he was traveling Lottie wanted to go to the park. Lux was Lottie drove to the park. After that, they both went home. At that time, Lux got a call from Josh. "Josh?" He said. "Why did he call me? Something wrong? Anything I lift, yes?" Lux said. Lux was a phone call from Josh. "Hello Lux" Said Josh. "Yes what is it Josh?" Asked Lux. "Are you moving house?" He asked. "Yes, I'm moving house. Something wrong? Did not you like it?" Lux said. "I wanted to give you something Lux" Said Josh. "No! Okay bye" Said Lux directly off the phone.
                 Lux went to Lottie room. "Lottie .. where are you?" Lottie Lux said while looking at the room. "Hello" Said Lottie Lux poked from behind. Lux was surprised."Lottie why are you scared?" Lux said. "I'm sorry" Said Lottie. "You were where?" Asked Lux. "I was under the Lux .." Lottie said. "Oh .." Lux said. "What is it?" Lottie Asked. "You keep the house. I want to park as usual" Said Lux. Lux went to the park as usual. Lux was coming home .. Arriving home. "Lottie .." Lux said.
                But Lottie did not answer the call Lux. "Lottie, where are you? Never joke Lottie" Said Lux. Keep Lottie did not answer, Lux was the kitchen. At that time, Lux heard a voice crying in the room Lottie. Lux went to a room. "Lottie! You why?" Lux said. "I'm scared" Said Lottie, crying. "Do not cry anymore, no I'm here Lottie" Said Lux. a few hours later .. Uncle Tom went home. Lux got up from his sleep .. "Uncle" Said Lux. "hey Lux!" Said Uncle Tom. "Uncle when we will move from here?" Asked Lux. "Sorry Lux .. I do not know." Said Uncle Tom. "Okay .. thanks uncle" Said Lux.

To Be Continued..
This story is only fiction alone..
Follow my twitter: @SashaGani
Mention for Follow back :)

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

The Sad Story - Part 5

                 One day .. Lux wanted to take a book from the library. When it wants to reach the shelf where the book he wanted to read. He felt dizzy, and he wiped his nose. When he wiped his nose, there was blood. "What I'm bleeding?" Lux said he saw blood on his hands. Lux ran into the school bathroom. He cleanses the blood in his nose. "Why do I get a nosebleed?" Lux Asked, confused. Jam Home School .. He immediately came home. Arriving home, he went straight to his room.
             Lux was trying to go to the doctor, her family subscriptions. At that time, the doctor said. If Lux just exhaustion only. Lux went home, when that uncle tom was not yet home from work. At that time, Tom's uncle contacted Lux. Uncle Tom said that Lux had to take his clothes, clothes Lottie and Uncle Tom's clothes. Lux was asked. "Indeed, we are going where uncle?" asked Lux. "We're going to go out of the country" Said uncle Tom. Lux was immediately dropped the phone and sat up slowly. "Why does this always happen to me? Yesterday I just broke up with Josh .. And now I must leave this house" Said Lux.
           The next day .. Lux, Lottie, and Uncle Tom had left home. They do not move, it's just Uncle Tom existing business. Their house is not empty, there is Aunt Ruth. Arriving at their new home .. "Huh .. Finally we arrived. At home it's pretty great huh?" Said Uncle Tom. "Yes .. I love this house uncle." Lux said. "But .. I'll be the school where?" asked Lux. "Your school is not far from here. Very close anyway" Said Uncle Tom. Lux was cleared of items such as clothes and dress Lottie. "Lottie would you be happy if your birthday is celebrated here?" asked Lux. "No!" Lottie said. "Why? Here good" Said Lux. "No, nobody here I know" Said Lottie.

To Be Continued..
This story is only fiction alone..
Follow my twitter: @SashaGani
Mention for Follow back :)

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Nothing Says Sorry For You

                  I'm human .. I can't fly, I can only try and pray. When I saw it all, I felt like crying. But it's hard to pull out my tears for him. For what I had tears in my eyes for him? People who have hurt me this? I like stupid woman! Because I had been fooled by him! But, I'm not that stupid! I also do not want to! Why my past with him just made me cry alone .. But, in this world. The man is not just you alone! There are many men in this world! And there are many who want to me!

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

The Sad Story - Part 4

                       Lux was sleeping .. because it was night. 3 hours later .. it was 11pm at night. Lux went down, see what happens. Turns out it was MJ, Lux cat. "MJ .. Do not make noise at night" Said Lux. Lux went into the kitchen, saw what snacks. When Lux look fridge, no snacks. Lux went back to the room .. And he played a computer, because I can not sleep. When Lux was playing computer. A voice from outside the home, Lux was attempting to see from the window. When Lux look, like a woman who was drunk.
                     "Who is that woman? What is my neighbor?" Lux said, confused. Lux went back to playing computer games. 30 Minutes later .. Heard the voice again, Lux was attempting to see again. Turns out it was the woman who had .. "Who was that lady? Why did he interfere once!" Lux said. Lux was sleeping.
                   The next morning ..   Lux was going to school. When Lux goes, she met Josh. They both go together. "Hey! Lux" Said Josh. "Hi" Said Lux. Arriving at the school .. They both went into the classroom. Hours after school .. Arriving school bell rang .. Lux immediately ran home. "I'm home" Said Lux. "What Lux?" Asked Uncle Tom. "Nothing's what Uncle" Said Lux. "Why did you come so fast? Usually you play the first city park?" Asked Uncle Tom. "I'm not feeling well uncle" Said Lux.
                  The afternoon .. Lux invites Josh to go to the city park. "What Josh Why do you always bring me here?" Asked Lux. "It's okay .. This place is good for me" Said Josh. "But I'm tired of always here" Said Lux. "Sorry .." Said Josh. "So what did you bring me here?" Asked Lux. "I want to talk about something" Said Josh. "What?" Asked Lux. "So here goes .." Said Josh. "It's essentially it!" Lux said. "Actually, from the first time I met you .. I like you," Said Josh. "So?" Asked Lux. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Hmmm .. What about you?" Lux said.
                 "Well .. I want" Said Lux. "Thank you Lux" Said Josh. Lux Josh kissed his cheek and ran. "Hey!" Lux and chase Josh said. The next day .. Lux went with Josh. They went to the carnival together. 2 months later .. Lux went to school. When he is not with Josh because Josh is sick. But, when it .. Josh send a short message to Lux. Written like this: "Lux .. I want to apologize profusely .. I can not always like this. So I want us to stop here alone" Said Josh in a brief message. When Lux read it, she was devastated once ..

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013


                     One day .. I was talking with my friend. I just watched him, not mine. Hahaha .. If I remember my past .. I always laugh .. Since the first time I was weird. But I'm sorry to have liked him. I also now always menyembut a man (not him). I just wanted to make him jealous only. But I'm happy to have done it .. It looks like the heart is satisfied at all! I just want to see you hurt, like what I'm feeling this!
I was thinking .. If you love someone do not see from the outside, but from inside it.

The Sad Story - Part 3

                Lux was out of the house, and see who is doing it. When Lux trying to see. Turns out it was Josh. "Josh .. What are you doing?" Lux said. "I just invited you to play?" Josh said with a smile. "You better call me Josh .." Lux said. "I'm sorry Lux" Said Josh. Lux and Josh went to a city park. "Why did you bring me here?" Asked Lux. "I'm bored at home Lux .. So I invite you here alone" Josh replied with a smile. "Josh .." Said Lux with Josh's eyes. "What?" Josh said, confused. "Never mind" Said Lux and go. "Hey!! Do not go .. Wait for me!" Said Josh. 1 Hour later .. "Josh why do not we go home?" Asked Lux. "Well .. Let's go back" Said Josh. They both came home each.
              "It's tiring" Said Lux and lying on the mattress. Suddenly there was a knock on the door Lux. "Excuse me?" Said someone. "Sign" Said Lux. It turns out that goes is uncle Tom. "What is Uncle Tom?" Asked Lux. "Actually this way .." Said Uncle Tom. "What is Uncle Tom?" Asked Lux. "So .. Uncle was not entitled to this inheritance .." Said Uncle Tom. "You mean uncle?" Asked Lux. "So uncle wants to go from here .. and you lived with his aunt Kimberly" Said Uncle Tom. "No! I do not want my uncle .. uncle here should be" Said Lux.
               "Can not Lux" Said uncle Tom. "Uncle .. I'm begging. • Do not leave me and Lottie" Said Lux. "But uncle could only bother you guys" Said Uncle Tom. "No uncle! Uncle I do not want to go!" Lux said. "But .." Said Uncle Tom. "Anyway uncle should not go out of this house!" Lux said. "Yasudahlah .. Uncle relented only from you Lux" Said Uncle Tom.

To Be Continued..
This story is only fiction alone ..

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Move On

                    I always thought if you were good .. Apparently after I became close to you .. You're so crafty. You always lie! And you captured it all from me! And you always say things that are not true! I hated it! I was looking for someone else who is better than you! I hated it with you! Only my best friend who understands me! And it is not you who know me! Move On!

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013


                   Formerly .. I dreamed I could fly. But, when I grew up .. I thought, man can not fly. Only birds that can fly. How strange of me as a child .. I also used to be able to dream of Paris. But now I want to go UK. Then and now is different. Once I was a rich kid .. Now I've wanted teen .. That was fast huh .. And yesterday I was a snot-nosed kid. Now my goal to be a model in the UK. Do not know why I wanted to be a model. Maybe it's because I love take pictures .. Probably.

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

My Best Friend-Kiss You 1D

 Today me and my friend take pictures together .. And we finally made ​​a video according to you, this video is not good? Or weird?
For me this is weird .. Because, here I'm weird. Can try re-re .. I'll be neat-tidy first ..
I love my best friend! 

The Sad Story - Part 2

                     "Would I be sitting here?" He asked. "Of course you should" Said Lux and shifted places. They were chatting together. They both go home together .. "This is your house?" He asked. "Yes .. This is my house" Lux Said with a smile. "Your house is huge" Said Josh. "Thanks Josh .. What do you want to go first?" Lux was asked. "No. .. I go home alone .. Good-bye!" Said Josh. "Hey Lux!" Said Uncle Tom. "What uncle?" Lux asked. "How was school?" Uncle Tom was asked. "Sorry uncle .. I'm not feeling well today" Said Lux and went to the room.
                 "I really do not want to be bothered today!" Lux said he locked the bedroom door. Lux was playing computer games. He wrote a diary on his computer. When that Charlotte took chatting together. Lux was told, that today she was sad. Charlotte also makes Lux to be happy again. Lux was sleeping .. because he was bored .. 1 Hour later .. At that time, no one threw a stone room Lux. Lux awoke. "Who did that?" Lux said.

To Be Continued..

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

The Sad Story - Part 1

                         "My name is Lux .. I live in England. I was an orphan, when a small accident my parents, and they died. I stayed with my sister named Lottie. Recently She was 5 years old, and I'm 10 years old" Said a woman who was photographed sights. Lux walked into a cafe. There he always ordered a cappucino. He lives with his uncle. His uncle was a good man to Lux and Lottie. But Lux has always rare at home. Because, he was always an adventure. Lux has always dreamed of .. Try time can be repeated. But that's not going to happen. While in school, he has only one friend. Namely, Charlotte. Charlotte is a very good woman to Lux, and he just wants to play with Lux.
                        Morning .. "Arghh .. What time?" Lux said that they want to sleep. "OMG .. I have to go to school" Said Lux and ran to the bathroom. "Why are you in a hurry?" Tanya uncle Tom. "I'm already late uncle" Said Lux in a hurry. A year later .. Lux age to 11 years old and 6 year old Lottie. "Uncle Tom? Are at the my age to 11 years, I've grown meranjak?" Tanya Lux. "... Age is only a number. Maturity to you is determined by your own" Uncle Tom Said. "Well Uncle Tom" Said Lux.
                      Lux At school there was a new student .. He is Josh. While in the cafeteria, Josh always pay attention to Lux. Lux was restless .. And Josh approached Lux. "Hey! My name is Josh. What's your name?" He asked. "My name is Lux" Lux Said confused.

To Be Continued.. 
This story is only fiction ..
Thank You.. 

Chasing The Sun Lyrics - The Wanted

I'm better
So much better now
I see the light, touch the light,
We're together now

I'm better
So much better now
Look to the skies, gives me life
We're together now

We've only just begun
Hypnotised by drums
Until forever comes
You'll find us chasing the sun
They said this day wouldn't come
We refused to run
We've only just begun
You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll find us chasing the sun
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll find us chasing the sun

When Daylight's fading
We're gonna play in the dark
Till it's golden again
And now it feels so amazing
Can see you coming
And We'll never grow old again
You'll find us chasing the sun

I'm never
I'm never down
Lying here, staring up
And you're looking down

I'm never
I'm never down
Live forever, forever
With you around

We've only just begun
Hypnotised by drums
Until forever comes
You'll find us chasing the sun
They said this day wouldn't come
We refused to run
We've only just begun
You'll find us chasing the sun
The sun, the sun, the sun
You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll find us chasing the sun
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll find us chasing the sun

When the Daylight's fading
We're gonna play in the dark
Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing
Can see you coming
And We'll never grow old again
You'll find us chasing the sun

You'll find us chasing the sun

When the Daylight's fading
We're gonna play in the dark
Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing
Can see you coming
And We'll never grow old again
You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll find us chasing the sun
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll find us chasing the sun

Senin, 21 Januari 2013

I'm Directioners

I am a big fan of One Direction. I love One Direction, in 2011. I know they are from a very famous song, called "What Makes You Beautiful".
Personnel One Direction the most I like is Liam and Niall. But actually I like them all .. Because I think they are all the same. Only his face is different. I wish they could have a concert in the country. If they come to my country, I would definitely watch their concert .. I'd love to be hugged by Niall. Because if Niall hug people, he will embrace him very long. I really hope they get to the country ..

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Rock Me Lyrics - One Direction

Do you remember summer '09
Wanna go back there every night
Just can't lie it was the best time of my life
Lying on the beach as the sun blew out
Playing this guitar by the fire too loud
Oh my my they could never shut us down
I used to think that I was better alone
Why did I ever want to let you go
Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea
The words you whispered I will always believe

I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me, yeah
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah
I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal show me you care
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah

Yeah we were together summer '09
Wanna roll back like press and rewind
You were mine and we never said goodbye i-i-i
I used to think that I was better alone
(Better alone)
Why did I ever want to let you go?
(Let you go)
Under the moonlight as we stared to the sea
(Stared at the sea)
The words you whispered I will always believe
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me, yeahh
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah
I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal show me you care

I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah

R-O-C-K me again

R-O-C-K me again

R-O-C-K me again yeah

I want you to

R-O-C-K me again

R-O-C-K me again

R-O-C-K me again yeah

I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me, yeahh
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah
I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal show me you care
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me, yeahh
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah
I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal show me you care
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah

Kiss You Lyrics - One Direction

Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you like
We can go out any day any night
Baby I'll take you there take you there
Baby I'll take you there, there

Oh tell me tell me tell me how to turn your love on
You can get get anything that you want
Baby just shout it out shout it out
Baby just shout it out

And if you
You want me to
Lets make a move, yeah

So tell me girl if every time we

You get this kinda rush.
Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

If you don't wanna take this slow
If you just wanna take me home
Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
And let me kiss you

Oh baby, baby don't you know you got what I need
Lookin' so good from your head to your feet
C'mon come over here over here
C'mon come over here yeah

Oh I just wanna show you off to all of my friends
Makin' them drool down their chiney chin chins
Baby be mine tonight, mine tonight
Baby be mine tonight yeah

And if you
You want me too
Lets make a move, yeah

So tell me girl if every time we

You get this kinda rush.
Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

If you don't wanna take this slow
If you just wanna take me home
Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
And let me kiss you
Let me kiss you
Let me kiss you
Let me kiss you
Let me kiss you

Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na

Yeah so tell me girl if every time we

You get this kinda rush.
Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

If you don't wanna take this slow
If you just wanna take me home
Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
You get this kinda rush.
Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

You get this kinda rush.
Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

If you don't wanna take this slow
If you just wanna take me home
Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
You get this kinda rush.
Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

Last First Kiss Lyrics - One Direction

Baby I, I wanna know what you think when you're alone
Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh
We've been friends now for a while
Wanna know that when you smile
Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh oh

Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say

I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

Baby tell me what to change
I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you
What I wanted to tell you yeah
Maybe I just gotta wait
Maybe this is a mistake
I'm a fool yeah, baby I'm just a fool yeah

Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say

I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

Your last first kiss (x3)

Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say
Your last first kiss

I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss
I wanna be last yeah baby let me be your last
Your last first kiss
I wanna be last yeah baby let me be your last
Your last first kiss

Over Again Lyrics - One Direction

Said i’d never leave her cause her hands fit like my tshirt,Tongue tied over three words, cursed.
Running over thoughts that make my feet hurt,
Bodies intertwined with her lips

Now she’s feeling so low since she went solo
Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo
And it’s no joke to me
So we can we do it all over again

If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss
Can mend your broken heart
I might miss everything you said to me

And I can lend you broken parts
That might fit like this
And I will give you all my heart
So we can start it all over again

Can we take the same road two days in the same clothes
And I know just what she’ll say if I make all this pain go
Can we stop this for a minute
You know, I can tell that your heart isn’t in it or with it

Tell me with your mind, body and spirit
I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British
Whether we’re together or apart
We can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start

If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss
Can mend your broken heart
I might miss everything you said to me

And I can lend you broken parts
That might fit like this
And I will give you all my heart
So we can start it all over again

You’ll never know how to make it on your own
And you’ll never show weakness for letting go
I guess you’re still hurt if this is over
But do you really want to be alone?

If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss
Can mend your broken heart
I might miss everything you said to me

And I can lend you broken parts
That might fit like this
And I will give you all my heart
So we can start it all over again

If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss
Can mend your broken heart
I might miss everything you said to me

And I can lend you broken parts
That might fit like this
And I will give you all my heart
So we can start it all over again