Minggu, 21 April 2013

I Could Also Feel The Pain

                       I was a woman. I also could be strong or to be weak. Although you always see me strong or you never see me cry. Yet behind you .. I always cry. I just do not want you to know my feelings. Not that I do not want to tell you guys. But I'm just going to make you bother it. And I do not mean to be a private person. But I only just shy story to you all. And you always see me laughing or smiling. Though it myself being sad .. And when I cry, I lied to you guys why. You ask me "What's the matter?" I replied "I'm not anything. Seems like I'm sleepy". And when looking at all the .. It seemed at that moment I wanted to cry. But when I looked away. Because I do not want to see any of it. At that time I believed you. But you deprive thee my faith. And often times I forgive you. And you think I do not really love you. In fact I've really loved you. Sorry if I'm always lying to you and my friends. And I'm just a jealous if they see you with someone else.